Thursday, July 19, 2007

Social Bookmarking

Have you ever been working on a different computer than you usually use, and found to your great annoyance that you can't access your favourite links?

Storing links also takes up network storage space, so if you use a lot of them, it can waste precious quota space.

From this frustration, social bookmarking was born. The idea is that you store your bookmarks online, then you can share them with others, or not, the choice is yours.

With web-based bookmarks, you only have to remember one web address, then the rest is all there for you.

One of the more popular social bookmarking web tools is Clever play on words isn't it? is free, but requires registration. To register, click on the 'register' link at the top right-hand side of the screen. Follow the prompts to create your user profile.

Remember that it is a good idea to choose a username that is not the same as your Malaspina username. Remember that user names are publicly visible, so anyone can see them.

Proceed to Using Social Bookmarking as a Teaching Tool for more information.

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